Happy Monday! I hope everyone was able to experience last night's beauty. I am currently in the process of understanding the universe and it's energy. So I have to say, last night was a big deal for me.

I froze my butt off but I wanted to feel the full affect of this moon. I placed my phone on DND, turned off all the lights in my house & put on relaxing music very low as I sat on my porch bundled up taking it all in. I wanted to take in the beauty and the spiritual affects.
It was pure amazement to see the moon slowly go through each phase. Gabe was able to catch the first half but between being all bundled up on my lap, he ended up falling asleep.
Below are pictures that I took on my iPhone 7 (crappy quality) but it did NO justice to what was seen with my naked eye. The moon was nothing less than breath taking.
Here was the moon around 10:00 PM est:

Here was the moon around 11:55 PM est:

Ever since I've started to learn about the universe and it's energy, it hasn't ceased to amaze me one bit. There's so much to discover, so many hidden gems. Last night was a beautiful experience. It was impossible to not admire such beauty & take in everything this moon had to offer last night.
Let me back it up for those who have no idea what I'm talking about.
See below for a little background information.
Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse
What is it?
It's a full moon that turns blood red.
Why does it happen?
It happens when the moon goes into eclipse (when the moon passes thorough some portion of the Earth's shadow in which blocks all or a portion of the light that illuminates the moon's surface) and turns blood red.
When will the next one occur?
The next one will occur in 2022.
What did it mean spiritually?
This moon was intense and powerful. It delivered much need closure with a much needed rebirth. It cleared the path to heal wounds and let go of the past.
It made you step out your comfort zone and get rid of unnecessary baggage. Which included ending toxic relationships/friendships, toxic habits and toxic thinking.
Your instincts, intuition and senses were intensified during this moon. It had you feeling empowered, recharged and secure. It was most definitely a reset button.
Tell me about your Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse experience below!

Thank you! Yes, it’s all connected. I’m glad you enjoyed this post 💫
This was a great post! Was interesting the whole way through. I missed the blood moon but I do want to learn more about the universe especially since I’m tapping more into my spirituality. It’s all connected 💫