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What is Infant Hair Loss?

Writer: Michelle M.Michelle M.

Updated: Jan 21, 2019

All infants are different, which means some are born with a full set of hair and other's are born shiny bald. There can be many reasons for this. Usually the hair (or no hair) they're born with changes within months, so don't get too attached!

What is infant hair loss?

Infant hair loss is better known as telogen effluvium and it's usually completely normal. Many moms stress when it occurs but it's usually nothing to be worried about.

When does it happen?

It usually happens the first few months of the infants life.

How much hair is lost?

It really depends. Some infants never lose hair, others lose patches of hair and some just lose all of it.

Why does it happen?

Hair has a resting stage and a growth stage. When it's in the resting stage, your hair remains in the follicle until new hair is ready to grow. The fluctuating hormonal changes that an infant goes through, is usually the main cause of many numbers of hairs to stop growing at the same time before the new hair is ready to grow out (which is what causes the bald spots). An infants body is very busy during the first few month. It's trying to do everything on their own while processing out their mother's hormones.

Can I prevent it?

There's no way to prevent it but there are some tips to take into consideration.

  1. Don't over wash your infant's hair. Over washing can cause the scalp to dry out and may lead to hair loss.

  2. If you do wash your infant's hair, make sure to use a baby-formulated shampoo. Using baby shampoo is easier on the scalp. Other types of shampoos can be harsh on the baby's scalp in which may cause irritation, rash or hair loss.

  3. Pay attention to see if your child sleeps or stays in one position for long periods of time. Try to re-position them to prevent one side being laid on all the time. Being on one side to long can cause pressure on their skin which may lead to hair loss.

  4. Be gentle with your infants hair. Try not style or brush hard because it may aggravate the hair follicles causing hair loss.

If you're still worried about the hair loss or may feel like something's not right, contact the pediatrician right away. Your feelings matter and you should confirm your worries.


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